Earth Day

We have deer, mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes, rabbits, squirrels, skunks, possums, rattlesnakes, and many more animals in our backyard ever so often as they traverse the vast forests of Topanga.

This beautiful, wild cat was in my backyard a few days ago.

What has happened organically as a result of living in such proximity to the wild is that my own habits of consumption have changed.

1) My usage of plastic has gone down and continues to go down every year.
2) The shampoos and soap products that I use are 100% organic since the water from the bath drains right into the land around me.
3) I am beginning to understand seasons with respect to the wild. Mating season, hibernating season, when snakes come out and when they prefer to stay underground for example, or why coyotes are suddenly hunting in packs (they have babies now).

Last week, we went whale watching off the coast of Southern California and spotted a Minke whale–one of the smallest species of whales. They have a beautiful black body and very smelly breath (!) as we were informed and then experienced first hand. They're so athletic that they don't need to flip their tails like other whales to do deep into the ocean. To watch other living beings, especially such giant animals, living wild and free in their vast lands/oceans is so incredibly inspiring and uplifting!

The reason I'm sharing all this is because what I've noticed is that it's hard to be conscious of our habits with respect to the products we use and consume, and the amount of plastic we utilize, the amount of waste we produce (for example, throw away glass bottles rather than reuse them, or choosing to throw food waste rather than compost). In the concrete jungle, trash, once disposed into a container, is never seen again. In the wild, you have to collect the trash for days until you're ready to walk up the hill to dispose it. And every now and then you see non-compostable waste occupying the the vicinity of these beautiful wild animals.

What you can do on an everyday basis to keep Mother Earth healthy

  1. REUSE - Instead of throwing away glass bottles and jars, reuse them as storage containers. Most stores also accept glass bottles back with an incentive.

  2. PLANT A TREE - If you can't or don't have the time/resources/know-how to plant a tree yourself, there are many organizations that will do that for you for a donation.

  3. AVOID USING PLASTIC BAGS - Reusable mesh grocery bags are now available in most grocery stores.

  4. COMPOST - You can buy compost barrels or even build one yourself. Composting is extremely satisfying. To see food waste transform into matter that will fertilize the land/soil in which you live or can grow your own plants/herbs is to be connected to the beautiful organic system we live in.

  5. GROW YOUR OWN HERBS AND PLANTS - If it's an option. And share with neighbors. We can reduce our footprint by living sustainably and in smaller, community-style ways (one of the biggest lessons from the indigenous that I spent time with).

  6. SHOP LOCAL - I love my local Sunday farmer's market. To purchase directly from farmers who know their crops is very satisfying and should be the norm (it still is, in India). Additional benefit is that you end up eating seasonal foods. Ayurveda explains how vegetables and fruits grow in certain seasons to provide value to our bodies in those seasons. Shopping at a large grocery store can be quite disorienting with respect to what's in season and what's not and our own body's needs.

  7. SWITCH TO ECO-FRIENDLY LAUNDRY DETERGENT - which comes in non-plastic containers in the form of sheets. Also available in most grocery stores.

Earth Day Special

Last week, in honor of Earth Week, I donated 50% of the proceeds from all sales on my print shop toward 1) Conservation of the oceans with SeaLegacy 2) Planting trees in the names of the collector. It was so satisfying that I have decided to continue with that for all week this week.

This was one of the prints that was purchased by a local collector here in Topanga, and I had the pleasure of installing it in her ocean-themed home. Over 100 trees were planted in her name.



If you wish to purchase a print during my Earth Day Special, please reply to this email to order your print. I will personally frame and sign the print, install it at your home (if you live locally). 50% of the proceeds will go toward planting trees in your name (or the name of the person you gift the art piece to) and toward the conservation of our oceans.


Let us live sustainably. Happy Earth Day, everyday!

— Sej




What the word “Mother” means to me.